Tuesday, April 20, 2010

To Religion? or Not to Religion? ... and interestingness on CUBA

So I have been having some revelations lately. My main one is that I am on a one man (i mean, one WOMAN) mission to eradicate ignorance. Yes, that means..I have INFECTED Your mind!! muahaha :)

First, I would like to say that I have become spiritually baptized. I love it. I have come to the realization that despite religion, I can survive on the basis of my morals. My internal compass that navigates the instinct to act wrongly or act righteously. It is this compass, I conclude, that tells me to continue to do the good that I do, and stop doing the bad that I do.
"When I do good, I feel good, when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion." -Abraham Lincoln (stolen from Supreet).

I love this...why? Because it brought me to the realization that we ALL have a moral compass within us. I mean, at least, those of us who grew up being punished by our parents on what was wrong and what was right. So, then, what is the need for religion? To regulate our wrongs and rights? To tabulate them? To remind us that some of us are ethically superior than others? No! Religion is simply the act of bringing our morality into consciousness. We use religion to become conscious of our morality or immorality. Case in point: If I steal a small thing, it doesnt matter. Then I do it again, and it doesnt matter. Then, after stealing several small things, I eventually feel uneasy in my tummy because I know I should not be doing this more often. Now, replay this situation with the consciousness of religion. If, at the very first time of theft, I had realized that (in other words, if I had become conscious) of my actions, would I have done it? In my opinion, religion would make me conscious of my actions BECAUSE we are so used to associating fear of punishment with a bad deed, and thus, we become mindful of our actions. Therefore, we all have morality within us, but it is the practice of religion that allows us to be more conscious of our actions. Therefore, people without religion may find it more difficult to be conscious of their immoralities, as they do not have an innate fear of punishment that comes about from religion. True or not true? I would like to know.

Additionally, I would like to take a moment and SHOW you that the SECOND highest doctor to patient ratio in the WORLD is in...CUBA. Yes, Cuba! But many potential doctors are lost due to more lucrative jobs such as taxi driving for the tourism industry since it has higher pay--que lastima! Pero, why do we view "third world" countries such as Cuba with such a US-mentality that they are inferior to us? If you met a Cuban doctor in the US, would you take them seriously? They are JUST as smart as us, but we fail to recognize that. So many potentially SMART cubans could become doctors if they wanted to, but they dont...because taxi driving simply pays more. OPEN YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!!! Look at the world around you. And stop stereotyping!

Medical staff in Cuba

According to the World Health Organization, Cuba provides a doctor for every 170 residents,[53] and has the second highest doctor to patient ratio in the world after Italy.[54]
Medical professionals are not paid high salaries by international standards. In 2002 the mean monthly salary was 261 pesos, 1.5 times the national mean.[55] A doctor’s salary in the late 1990s was equivalent to about US$15–20 per month in purchasing power. Therefore, many prefer to work in different occupations, generally in the lucrative tourist industry (e.g. taxi drivers), where earnings can be 50 to 60 times more.[21] as
The San Francisco Chronicle, the Washington Post, and National Public Radio have all reported on Cuban doctors defecting to other countries.[56] According to the San Francisco Chronicle, one of the reasons that Cuban doctors defect is because their salary in Cuba is only $15 per month. [10]

1 comment:

  1. Dear Amelia Noor,

    This is a heartfelt profession of love.

    From Yours Truly,
    Dr. Edina Farouche, Ph.D (insha-Allah)

    P.S. I think that the embargo on cuba and american bitterness towards the country in general is a means of control. maybe if there were no embargo, cubans would flourish even more, and the communists would have widespread support throughout the world. the embargo ensures that cuba never flourishes under so-called communist rule. at least that's how I see things. also note that there is a densely populated area in Miami who has a very strong and influential lobby, made up of political refugees from Cuba (mainly former members of the Batista Government). If america were to suddenly end the embargo, these influential voices would go mad.

    another case in point: hugo chavez of venezuela. i like him, and many venezuelans do as well. he's actually doing good for the country. but in the west he's vilified as a dictator.

    ok i just realized none of this makes any sense. bye!

    but i love u =)
