Some days are good days, other days are bad days. Either way, the "day" is used as a unit of measurement akin to other measurements of time such as seconds, months, and even light years. But what exactly consitutes a day? The "day" somehow became a frame of reference due to the simple act of a star in the sky rising from the East and setting in the West? From the twenty four hours it takes for the earth to spin upon its own axis? How is it that a day can be such a single unit, and disregard the hundreds of seconds that compose it--and should not each second be given its own right to exist in singularity? It is, yes it is, but is there ever a saying that goes "those were the seconds?" No. Alas, it is always, "Those were the days."
In life, we write chapters and conclude volumes without knowing when one will start and whether there will be another addition. How we classify these "days," too, enters into an oblivion of memory that is easily identified as a "phase" or "moment in time." For example, people experience emotional phases in life, such as the loss of a dear one, causing them great sorrow for an elongated period of time. Those were the days. Those were the days, when he mourned for the loss of his mother. And, in parallel, those were the days when he and his mother shared such fond times on holidays and family trips. Those were the days, and the days are so clumped together that each day is not paid respect to on a singular level. One day could have passed with an altercation with son and mother, but the days surrounding that one day enveloped much affection.
How can one day make all the difference? How is it that a dragonfly is born and its life can just span the next twenty four hours? Does it realize the passage of time, and does it know how long time really is? Does it matter? How incredible it is that we understand the lineage of time but it doesn't--is it not being cheated? A day can make all the difference for such an insect, but, too, can be life changing for others. A driver who suddenly looses control of his vehicle gets into an accident and changes many lives forever. He may lose his own life or take the life of another--of which both scenarios include the affected families. In love, movies such as Veer Zara or epic literatures such as Romeo & Juliet emphasize the value of one day. In just one day, it is possible that entire lives change based upon the unsteady assumption that both lovers equally care for another. How can it be that one day can change a life?
It can be... Lives were changed forever on a day that is very well-known throughout the world. On September 11th, 2001, the world changed forever. What a difference a day makes. That one morning, we all wake up to a new reality. A new world in which trust has gained yet another level of difficulty. In just a day, the theft of lives provoked the domino effect of the theft of trust, of belief in mankind.
Birth can occur in a day, and death can occur in a day...The fate of an innocent man pressed with guilty charges is determined in just a day. A day can be the date of marriage, a day can be the date of divorce. A day can be recorded in history as revolutionary and a day can be recorded in a diary as suicidal. A day is shared around the world but does not serve a universal purpose; for one man it is a holiday and for another is a mourning. Some see days, some don't. Days pass with time, days start time. Days can be counted, and days can be eternal.
Yes, in just a day. A day is all it takes. What is a day?
A light year is a measure of distance, not time. It is the distance that light will travel in a year and is equivalent to about 5.88 trillion miles.